ZOMG! It's 2011!
Yes I know we're almost one month into the year, but it's still a valid statement.
Yes I know it's highly unlikely that anyone will ever read this post, but one day when somebody is making a film of my life in the mould of 'the social network' they will need random blog posts like this one to make me seem arrogant and chauvinistic.
No we haven't found Brotha yet, I wish you all would stop sending those emails asking about him.
Also I should point out that the laws of karma dictate that Australia will win both world cups this year, due to the floods they've been suffering through. Yes I know South Africa has had some fairly serious flooding as well and that our death-toll outstrips that of Aus, but we all know that karma has no place in our beloved country. T I A!
Wishing all and sundry a great 2011. If you can't manage to have a great year, just try to survive it and maintain the optimism that 2012 might not totally suck.
- wifi
PS: Lacost now has a job and for the first time in history is awake for over 10 hours on most days. Therefore, according to the laws of 'cost' this year should definitely be the best ever!